Fact-checking standards

The Femedic is dedicated to providing accurate, up-to-date health and health-related information. Every article we publish — whether Medical, Editorial, or Sponsored — is thoroughly fact-checked by our team of health journalists and medical reviewers. As well as adhering to the HonCode standards for trustworthy health information (you can verify this via the link in this page's footer), The Femedic adheres to the following standards:

  1. All content on our website and channels must be factually and scientifically accurate, with references to scientific research listed within a bibliography at the bottom of the piece

  3. No claims may be made unless they are supported by scientific research: this research must be cited in the piece

  5. All studies, quotes, and statistics used in articles must reference the original source

  7. All Medical content must be reviewed every two years: all guidelines referenced must be the most recent

  9. All Editorial pieces must include original comment from a qualified medical professional and include details of their credentials

  11. Appropriate context must be given when reporting on studies, in order to give a true sense of result accuracy: i.e. sample size, date of study, any culturally-or country-specific aspects, causative vs correlative relationships

  13. Citations to websites must include a URL and information on date the website was accessed

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Page last updated February 2020