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My parents don’t want me to go on ADHD medication. What now?

“So, I have some exciting news”, I nervously blurted out on a FaceTime call with my dad during…

I self-diagnosed CDS, an attention disorder I’d never heard of

I was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) shortly after my fifth birthday. It’s pretty uncommon for…

A backdoor abortion was my only choice. We must decriminalise abortion now

On a quiet Tuesday evening, I clutched four pink pills in my clammy palm. My mother was snoring…

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Sexual health guide for LBT women and people with vaginas

In 2008, a Stonewall report found that many lesbian and bisexual women felt that sexual health services were…

How to have safe and fun anal sex for the first time

Are you thinking about having anal sex, but not sure where to start? You’re not alone — it’s…

Watery period? Here are the most common reasons why

If you’ve noticed that your period has become thinner and more watery in consistency lately, you might be…

The Femedic is a health media platform for women and people with vaginas

Our mission is to create a new standard for health content aimed at women and people with vaginas: accurate, trustworthy, inclusive, thorough, and trustworthy.